segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013

"Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel´s Coat"

    No âmbito da leitura extensiva do 10º ano, na disciplina de Inglês, o trabalho proposto foi  Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel´s Coat - another ending.

   Aqui apresentamos o que consideramos o melhor trabalho, da autoria do aluno João Geraldo do 10º ano, turma B.              

How could this be? Miss Pulteney was wearing her coat. Her black mink coat! That succubus, sleeping with her husband. “Just to get a better pay, that devilish harlot!” – thought Mrs Bixby. And Cyril, how could that boring, unattractive, uninteresting man be cheating on her? “On me? That adulterous insect!” – the thoughts on Mrs Bixby’s head ranged from exposing the entire affair, to running away the minute she got home… No, that wasn’t good enough, They could have been cheating on her for so long… She had to make them suffer. And so, she remained silent for the time being.
That night, Mrs Bixby followed the deceitful duo to Miss Pulteney’s home. She waited for them to leave the house, probably to go see a movie, and the she entered the building with a key she found on her husband’s toolbox – he never did use that toolbox, now Mrs Bixby knew why. Imagine that! To actually possess the key to that lecherous hussy’s house… Cyril had turned out quite the untruthful husband.
Mrs Bixby planned to set fire to the house. She had bought several bottles of alcohol beforehand just for that. She doused the house in alcohol and lit a match. In an instant, the whole living room went up in flames. As Mrs Bixby hurried to leave the building, she saw it there. Her beautiful mink coat, lying on the bed of her deception. Rage filled her body. She rushed to get the coat, cursing her husband and his assistant. She grabbed the coat, but, by then, the flames had already consumed the hall and entered the bedroom.
Two days  later, Mr Bixby stood over a coffin. His wife’s corpse filled the interior. In a final moment of compassion, he opened the casket and placed the charred remains of a black mink coat next to the body. The coffin was sealed. The body was buried.
Mrs Bixby did get what she wanted in the end, didn’t she?

Mrs Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat  by   Roald Dahl - Another Ending  by  João Geraldo
                                                               (10º ano/ turma B -  Escola Secundária de Moura)

Se não conhece a obra, aqui vos deixamos a versão cinematográfica de um grande mestre do suspense.


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